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We provide personalised 1:1 tutoring for children in Year 1 and Year 2, focusing on phonics, early reading, and maths.


An expert tutor leads the sessions, incorporating interactive games and activities to make learning engaging. For Key Stage 1 children, we recommend 30 or 45-minute lessons.

Are you ready to watch your child become a happy and confident learner?

How does it work?

All Key Stage 1 tutoring is provided on a one-on-one basis. Our expert tutor can focus on specific curriculum areas where your child needs help or cover various topics. Each session is fully personalised to suit your child's needs!

  • How long do we have to sign up for?
    To start, we recommend booking a single lesson as a trial. After that, there is no long-term commitment; you simply book and pay on a monthly basis.
  • Can we book both group sessions and 1:1 lessons?
    Yes, students can book individual 1:1 lessons in addition to the booster groups if they need more personalised support on specific topics.
  • Who are the tutors?
    Our tutors are experienced professionals with expertise in their subject areas. They are carefully vetted and hand-picked by Portia to ensure high-quality tuition.
  • Can I book a trial?
    Yes! We suggest beginning with a single lesson as a trial. This allows us to ensure we have paired your child with the most suitable tutor.
  • Can I cancel a lesson one week?
    We request as much notice as possible when cancelling a lesson. 1:1 Lessons You may cancel one 1:1 lesson per term (three times a year) without being charged, provided you give at least 48 hours' notice. Lessons cancelled with less than 48 hours' notice will be charged in full. Group Lessons If you miss a group lesson, the tutor will record it for you to catch up at your convenience. If, for any reason, the session cannot be recorded and you have given 48 hours' notice, you will not be charged. This exception is allowed once per term (three times a year).
  • What technology do we need for online lessons?
    You will need a stable internet connection and a computer or tablet. That's it!
  • How long are the lessons?
    Lesson lengths vary based on the subject and level of study. Typically, sessions range from 30 minutes to an hour
  • How do I pay for lessons?
    Payments can be made online via our secure payment system. Payments are made monthly by the 27th of each month.
"I wholeheartedly recommend it to any parent looking to give their child the extra confidence they need for success in GCSE maths."

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